
Schedule Scores & Standings
Weaver Alumni Association
Weaver Quarterback Club Schedule
Quarterback Club Members
Quarterback Club Members



     Thank you for your interest in Weaver Football and all Bearcat  Sports. The leadership at and around Weaver High School is trying hard to achieve success in Sports as well as Academics. We have great group of student/atheletes at Weaver and we're vary proud of them.

    The strives made in the last couple of years have been tremendious, but we still have alot of work to do. The Weaver Quarterback Club needs everyone to get involved and make a difference.

    Get involved, become a member of the Weaver Quarterback Club. There are many needs that must be addressed this year and your help is needed. Every member of the Quarterback Club will have their names listed below and will have the first oppertunity to purchase Season Passes and Seating in Quarterback Club Area.     


